Yes, most of us today are afraid to commit. There could be many reasons for that. One being, that we have too much choice. So it is hard to decide between — vanilla or chocolate or pistachio or dark chocolate with sea salt or salted caramel or….. The list is so endless these days, that we want to taste everything and then, only then perhaps, commit to one.
What is the purpose and power of commitment? Quite simply to achieve what we set ourselves to do. Regardless of what we want to achieve in life — sacrifice, determination and purpose are key to staying on course. The word sacrifice generally makes me cringe, but here I don’t mean it in the negative sense. It implies giving up on something easier, if necessary, to ensure that you don’t lose sight of what you committed to. Grit or determination and purpose or focus are easier to grasp.
There is of course a huge difference in being very committed vs simply desiring something. Commitment means giving a piece of ourselves, be dedicated, be resolute towards completing our set goal. Whereas simple desire can get easily dropped in our journey. Those are things we probably only lusted over, and perhaps never even really wanted. They drop down in priority and get attention when life permits us some free space. Once committed to a purpose you don’t accept excuses and stay focused till you get the result you want.
For the choices important to you, weigh them thoroughly, commit and then doggedly stay the course. Don’t just be involved, commit wholeheartedly. Once you commit you have made a binding pledge, most importantly to yourself, to achieve a set result. Making a commitment is a fundamental principle of success. A commitment is very powerful as it impacts how you think, how you behave and how mindful you are in your actions. Then all obstacles simply become opportunities on your road to success, and you never look back. You never give up. You never give in.
At times it will get tough, and you will feel like quitting. Giving up. Your commitment will be a guide on how to handle the tough times. Our unshakeable commitment to achieve our dreams is our magic lamp. That will deliver the trapped genie so that our miracles happen for us. Miracles that are rightfully meant to happen simply because we are fully invested in our dreams.
Sometime back I had come across some steps on achieving success, however we may define success for ourselves. My apologies to the author of these steps, as I am unable to trace the source of this information. I wish I could give the appropriate credit.
- Choose to commit to your goal or dream.
- Pursue relentless action aligned to your commitment.
- Expect and have faith that you will get help along the way.
- Show sincere gratitude for the help and the results.
Commit to being committed and you will get the desired results. Perseverance will get you there.
“It was character that got us out of bed, commitment that moved us into action, and discipline that enabled us to follow through.” — Zig Ziglar
Let patience and persistence be the virtues that enable us to beat this instant-gratification world that we live in today and truly get the successes we so deserve. Be it relationships, marriage, career, fitness, health or any goals we set ourselves. Any failures or hurdles enroute can be beaten by persistence.
The best way to enjoy the journey called life is to be committed to living life at its fullest. Commitment, at heart is a declaration that you believe in yourself.
“Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it!” — W H Murray.
Written by Mohit Gupta
Week 43, October ‘20