Travel: 2020’s Forbidden Activity

Anisha Masand

Are you a travel enthusiast? Have you thought about why you travel? Is it for the sightseeing, food, people, the entire experience or just to getaway?

Just like life, every activity also has a purpose. We go to work for a reason, we have weekends for a reason, we travel for a reason, and sometimes that travel can be for a bigger purpose than just getting away or visiting family. It is a soul-search, a hunt for something that cannot be discovered within city lines. It is a true engagement within yourself to find something deeper than your day to day cycle. It is a discovery, a peek into another culture, way of life and a way to bring us closer to others and ourselves.

There are a number of types of travelers. We have the sightseeing addicts, the nature lovers, the backpackers, the lavish travelers, the in-betweeners (I come in this category), the getaway-ers and most importantly, the temporary settlers. Voyaging is important. Home will always be there for you, but the best way to learn about this whole big world we live in, is by picking up our bags and taking off!

High school is important, university is important and having a stable career is the most important. All these are important for physical sustenance. Your soul needs feeding too. Meeting new people, discovering ecosystems, methods of sustaining, cultural presences, traditions followed and foods consumed. This is all part of feeding your soul – learning something that a textbook or cheque book can never teach you!

The news tells us about how central Asia is still a third-world destination. But if you do actually get on a flight and head to Azerbaijan, you will be pleasantly surprised. Streets cleaner than I have seen in our developing India, vehicular traffic well organized and architecture that will blow your mind. If you have walked around any Italian city, you will be pleasantly surprised by how European the country really is! Cuisines that will blow your mind, people that are sweet as honey, and a climate that will make you feel alive again. (Don’t deny it, concrete jungles drain you).

But in all honestly, there are so many reasons for why people travel. Here’s a quick gist:

Challenging Themselves

Our daily lives are a permanent rut. To get out of this and to see what more we are capable of, rather than mechanically typing away on our computers, we pack our bags and discover a new place every year. Some people, twice a year!


What’s not to learn? A new language, a new culture, a new wedding tradition, a new cuisine, a new trend, a new activity and so much more! Every country is different. Their climates are different. There is a haven to discover in every country we go to. Switzerland has 4 influences. Why? Because of the borders it shares. Switzerland has a german side, a French side, an Italian side and an Austrian side!

Want to learn a new skill? Make sure to visit another country. You will 10 times out of 10, learn how to do it in a unique way!


Life is kaleidoscopic. There are too many facets to it, to understand any one properly. Similarly, every country sees situations, celebrations and milestones in different ways. There is never one way to conduct an activity, and traveling will show you this. Tea is different for the Japanese, Chinese, British and Indians. Imagine that!

Discovering Ourselves

Being away from anything regular helps you get in touch with yourself. Reflect upon yourself, your life, your actions and their consequences. Think of it like this. In an argument, we say something in the heat of the moment. But a two-hour cool-down later, we always analyze what we have said because there was always a better way to say it. This realization hits us when we are calmer.

So, to get away from our concrete jungle means to go deeper into ourselves. Much like a self-audit. Balance is all that we crave, and we can achieve this by traveling. When I visited Switzerland, it was through an invitation from the tourism board. We were hosted and pampered. I did not know my fellow travelers and was afraid of being by myself for so long. But I will have you know. This trip has given me connections that will last a lifetime – friends, colleagues, acquaintances. Memories that will never be forgotten, hospitality that was not necessary but still pampering at best. This is life, this is humanity and this is what we achieve when we leave our comfort zone.

Appreciating Life

When God blesses us with abundance, it is my staunch opinion that we do not necessarily need to spend it all on ourselves (materialistically). Instead, spend your money to feed your souls – to experience things that others can only dream of. Never pass on an opportunity to experience something new, because you never know. You got someone else’s wish – so make the most of it!

Personally, I usually travel to escape. The workaholic life I live, the stress that family relations cause, my own mental health, social obligations. I wait to escape these formalities and requirements. They do not feed me spiritually. Traveling does. Finding a new place does, sitting at a beach like broccoli does. It gives me peace that I never find in my day to day routine. I have yet to learn how to find it in my everyday life.

So, ask yourself: “Why Do I Travel? What Do I Achieve from Traveling? What Does My Soul Ask For?” The answers, more often than not, is in yourself. All you need to do is dig deep inside to find what you truly crave.

The roads will always be long. But the journey is what matters!

Week 42, Oct ‘20

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