The way ahead…. the way ahead is the only way….. no sense in looking back. But in these days sitting at home there is a lot of time to reminisce. Look at the past and review and then prepare some for the future.
I remember about a year or so ago as I was preparing for my early morning ride… A time when we were free to do such things. All I could think of was the road and the wind on my skin. I was very excited as it had been a long gap. I had been cycling at home of course very regularly. But it is not really the same. Just that I have been hassled by the bad air quality that ends up troubling my respiratory system.
As a part of the prep I got the cycle spruced up. The tyres checked. The gears oiled. All set to go. But I missed checking out the horn. So that morning the horn would not work. My fear kicked in. Most worrying for me are the strays. How would I deal with them….. A few pensive moments later I decided that I will not let my fear get the better of me. And wihout giving myself a second chance to think I was down in a jiffy, on the saddle and off.
The only thing you do as you cycle alone is talk to yourself. As I cycled through Mahim causeway and Mahim city centre I got thinking about the condition of our beloved Mumbai. And how we as a populace have pretty much ruined it. So what are my options…. I could choose to escape, i.e. move from here. Or I could choose to be apathetic, accept it and just go about life and cope. Or I could contribute as an individual and do something. The ideal choice is the last one of course. How much can we really run? As a world population we are ruining almost everywhere. Then where will we run? So we all have to stop being ostriches and do something. This storm shall not pass. It needs to be tackled and forcefully diverted. Humanity must act…. and must act now…. And to think of it, nature has acted for us. Smacking us right where it hurts.
My ride improved as I moved further south. Overall I enjoyed the morning immensely. Completing just over 28 kms was satisfying and inspiring.
In these trying times it is extremely critical that we keep our focus on the way ahead and live inspired and of course inspire others.
And then my mind goes back to another most beautiful day in Goa. A perfect Sunday afternoon it was to be… The midday sun was up. The beach was quiet. The sand was resting. The ocean was basking in the sun. Shimmering with delight. Waves of mirth up in spray. The winds were gentle and cool, softly caressing our being. Lulling us into this very joyous and happy state.
To top it all we were spending an afternoon with some of our favourite people; at the beaches edge ensconced in greenery. The space we had come upon was truly zen. A very serene Buddha sat watch over us all afternoon. In this comfortable moment we were able to converse very easily. And with being nearly too old we were making plans for the after life. Life after work that is. If there is something like that. We were exploring the idea of building a little commune for us friends. And even though none of our children are coupled as yet, we were imagining what it would be like if they visited us at our commune with their significant others and perhaps their bratty offspring. Our own offspring were not bratty at all we decided.
Enough said about the plans being made by some young oldies.
We also had the good fortune to see the perfectly designed rooms of this amazing hotel. I don’t have the vocabulary to describe what I saw. All I can say that I was awestruck and very very inspired. Inspired to rise above what I have been doing. Inspired to create. I got charged anew. Something that has been missing in my life for sometime now.
As I think back the entire time at the beach was inspiring. The long walk in the morning. The calm & inviting ocean. The winds. The soft soothing sands. The chatter with friends. The experience of beauty. It was a perfect time. What more can one ask from life. Simply inspiring.
Written By Mohit Gupta
Week 13, March ’20