Photo by Jessica Albuquerque.

The Art of Living in the Moment

Jessica Albuquerque

Most of us plan out our lives, I suppose it’s human nature to set life goals and spend our days working towards achieving them. The art of planning and controlling every aspect of our lives is a habit that society has inculcated into us from birth, and that’s not necessarily a bad thing. From where you study to what profession you choose or even who you marry, our lives are meticulously planned in order to ensure that we achieve success. But somewhere along the line, we grow tired. Tired of the routine, of being a part of a rat race.

Mother Teresa once said, “Be happy in the moment, that’s enough. Each moment is all we need”. And how true are those wise words, what is life if all we do is chase after a pot of gold? To spend each waking moment focused on money and success is exhausting. It is even worse when we achieve everything but are so tired and too unhappy to enjoy it. 

Growing up I loved road trips because it wasn’t solely about reaching the destination but about enjoying the journey itself. According to me, that is what life is supposed to be like. 

My mother likes to sprout this John Lennon quote every now and then, “Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans.” It’s a very apt saying that usually snaps me out of my thoughts and reminds me to enjoy the world around me. After all, it is so easy to get caught up in your plans for the future that you forget to embrace the present. The whole reason it is called the present is because it is a gift.

Living in the moment is often easier said than done. How does one live in the moment when there are constant hurdles thrown our way? From work to family or health, each of us is bound by certain responsibilities to ourselves and others. So, I’m not saying throw your hands up in the air, quit your job and laze on the beach all day. We all have to work for a living because we need money to sustain ourselves. And if I’m being honest, money does buy us the comforts that we are used to and all the little luxuries we all crave, but that doesn’t mean one should be totally consumed by it. 

Stop and smell the roses every now and then, or slip off your shoes and take a walk on the grass. Or just lie on your back and look at the patterns of the clouds floating by. It will help recharge your batteries and make you more appreciative towards nature and the simple things. Don’t wait for the perfect time to take that trip or the perfect person to take it with, that situation may never arise and all you’ll be left with is regrets.

If it brings you happiness, buy that beautiful dress or suit you have been eyeing in the window. Don’t wait for tomorrow because who knows what life has in store for any of us. Use the vintage silverware your grandmother handed down to you. You don’t need an occasion. You are the occasion. 

Sometimes the richest man is actually the poorest because he hasn’t really lived life to the fullest. So learn to take chances, go bunging jumping, swim with the dolphins or sharks, whichever makes you happy. Go on that Himalayan trek, learn a new language or colour your hair, go bald if that’s something you’ve wondered suits you. Be free, be happy, we have only one life so make it a memorable one. Remember to live, not just exist. 

There is a lovely book titled ‘How much land does a man need?’, Mr. Tolstoy couldn’t have said it better! Now if only that was part of the schooling curriculum!

Living in the moment isn’t solely about doing adventurous things or buying stuff you’ve always wanted, it also reflects in your attitude toward relationships. Let go of negativity and people who bring your down. Free yourself to enjoy the present rather than letting the demons of the past clog your mind. 

Learn to forgive and forget. Let go of grudges. Holding on to painful things only festers negativity that will eat into you. No amount of expensive facials will be able to fix that, after all our face is a reflection of our soul. 

Don’t let jealousy turn you into a slave for money. There will always be someone more successful, richer or more attractive than you. The important thing is to be happy with what you have at the moment. So, stop killing yourself trying to be one upon others. Work hard but learn to enjoy the fruits of your labour.

Living in the moments isn’t only about embracing the positives and good times, it is also about accepting the tough situations and bad moments. Don’t shove your emotions away or hide from pain, instead learn from it and turn it into something better. After all, what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.

So, you see, living in the moment is rather simple. Yes, we all worry about the future and how best to provide for ourselves, our parents and our children but the trick is to notice the real beauty and wondrous mysteries of life unravelling every day and in each moment in front of us. Enjoy the little things in life for one day you look back & realize they were the big things. 

Written By Jessica Albuquerque.

A master of being a Jack of all Trades, A method in madness some may say. I’m just a girl on a never-ending journey, Standing on the precipice of my next big story.

Week 15, April 2021


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