Photo by Mohit Gupta

Slow down, you’re moving too fast

Jessica Albuquerque

Have you heard of the song “Feelin’ Groovy” by Simon & Garfunkel? It starts off with the line “Slow down, you move too fast,” and that is so apt for the times we are in. There is so much going on in our lives and we are constantly on the move.

Even though we are equipped with so many gadgets and devices to help us— as opposed to our grandparents and forefathers who had to do everything from scratch— we still don’t have time to breathe. We have so many different machines to make life easier like our dishwashers, washing machines, automated vacuums, food processors and mixers, pre-cooked food, ready-made masalas etc and yet we are all racing against the clock.

It’s no wonder that burnout is a norm amongst so many of the younger generation. We consider 35 as old today because everyone wants to achieve everything before a certain age. We are in such a hurry to live this so-called Instagram worthy lifestyle that we forget to stop and actually live in the first place! W. H Davies must be rolling in his grave watching this fast-paced life that we are all leading. Whatever happened to the term Leisure?

It is important to remember what it was like to live in the moment, to slow down and completely immerse yourself in what you’re doing without having a hundred different things on your mind. Of course, that is easier said than done, especially when you have deadlines and commitments to keep. Trust me, I speak from experience. Once, while I was making a cup of tea, I got a call regarding work, so being the multitasker that I am, I opened the fridge to get milk while on the call. After using the milk I hung up and went to have my chai. It was only once I was done enjoying my cuppa that I realised I couldn’t find my phone. I was frantically looking for it everywhere and couldn’t remember where I had put it. I only found it once my mother opened the fridge for something. I had been so preoccupied with what was on my mind that I put my phone in the fridge instead of the milk carton.

I’m sure that something along those lines has happened to you before. That’s why it is important for us to focus on the present and be in the moment. When you clear your mind from extra noise and tune off the unnecessary worry and pressure, you will find that you can work faster and be more productive as you’re now devoting your entire presence to what you’re doing.

Each and every part of our lives acts as a lesson. And the one lesson that everyone learnt over the last year and a half is how to slow down. Now, the term learning might be putting it nicely, but truth be told most people were given no choice but to halt their hectic lives and embrace the ‘new normal’. Some took to this without much trouble and some struggled with the lack of activities.

Thankfully, with many Indians getting vaccinated, the country is slowly opening back up for work and other activities. So it comes as no surprise that everyone is trying to making up for lost time, whether it’s with that vacation that you missed out on, the work opportunities or the fact that you missed out on some amazing years at school. It’s only natural to want to try and do as much as you can before it’s too late.

It’s easy to get caught up in the things that we’re doing, especially when it comes to your work, but it is a must to remember to take a break every now and then. Be in tune with your body and your mind. If you start to feel drained and annoyed with what you’re doing, stop for five minutes, get up from where you’re sitting and stretch your legs. Take a tea or coffee break and scroll through your social media or watch a 5-minute youtube video. These tiny little things that bring you pleasure will help relieve you of stress and improve your whole disposition. In fact, you will probably find yourself more motivated to do your work after a mini cool off.

Every day is a blessing, so take time to breathe and recharge those batteries.

Written By Jessica Albuquerque,

A master of being a Jack of all Trades, A method in madness some may say. I’m just a girl on a never-ending journey, Standing on the precipice of my next big story.

Week 26, July 2021


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