Dream we all do, and honestly, we all must. For if we don’t build castles in the air then we cannot really build the foundations of our dreams.
“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” — Eleanor Roosevelt
Life is spent brick by brick piecing together all that we conceive. Giving real shape to our castles. It can be tiring, at times the way forward looks tough, an arduous mountain route. But perseverance and a certain doggedness shall carry us thru.
Of course, patience and determination are essential ingredients. Used in the right proportion and for long enough ensures that the results are excellent. Add to this enthusiasm and passion and you just cannot go wrong.
Passion, perhaps, is most important. Go for the dream that u feel most strongly for. Let the motivation not come from the head, but from the gut, from the heart. Let the motivation not be money. Just pile on each brick simply because you want to. Hell, or high water, the heart wants to put up the next brick — that is when it all starts happening. Dreams do pay for sustenance; of this I am convinced. It may not be obvious, so explore and experiment till you find the passion.
Many around you may say — “Dream Big”. Is that really necessary? In my view it is not about dreaming big, it is about living the dream closest to your heart. Big or small does not matter. As long as it gives you joy and happiness. Of course, dreams don’t have to have limits. The universe is a cauldron of unlimited possibilities. It is your life and you want to decide which possibility works for you.
One of the things you could do is start a dream journal. Simply so that you don’t lose sight of any of the inspiring dreams that cross your mind. Review this from time to time. It will help you focus on the dream you really want to catch.
Allow your imagination to run wild. Believe in the magic of your dreams. Hold on to your dreams. Create new dreams on your canvas of dreams. Live the life you always wanted. Open yourself to the infinite universal energy around you. Fall in love with your dreams. Be the brave-heart. Feel the joy as you become who you really are. Teach yourself to trust that your dreams can become reality. Believe in your gut instinct — it will be your most useful tool on your dream journey. Go ahead and live your own adventure. Embrace your success.
Live life in alignment with your dreams. Stick to the path. And if something distracts you, pull out that journal and allow your own notes to guide you back on the path that you so love and enjoy.
How do we stay focused on our dreams when the world around us is falling apart? Do we give up on our dreams? This is when your grit and determination have to kick in. Stay on that bucking bull even though it is trying to throw you off. If you do get thrown off, perhaps it is for a good reason. Take that as a sign to introspect. Sit quiet for a bit and listen. Adapt if necessary. Do the course correction that is required. Re-align your goals and get back on that bucking bull. Tire it out and then enjoy the calm that follows. Bask in your wins.
“You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.” — C.S. Lewis
Take heart, you are never too old or never too young, never too poor or never too sick to go after your dreams. If you believe in yourself anything can happen. There is no such thing as perfect timing. Take that first step towards achieving what you want. The rest shall happen as it is meant to.
“You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.” — Martin Luther King, Jr.
Your journey shall inspire others. Inspire them to build their own castles. Your joy and happiness will infect those around you. You will love yourself.
Through my life’s journey I have pursued many a dream. In retrospect I feel that I never had that one dream that was truly fulfilling. Perhaps that is how my journey was meant to be. What I must say, is that I enjoyed chasing every dream. Even if it meant I faltered. I tripped. I bruised myself. Even today I refuse to give up. I am already making a note of the myriad dreams swimming around in my head. I have ended up spending years chasing many dreams and yet feel unfulfilled. Perhaps if I had been put on the track to search for my dream very early on in my working life, I might have found that one dream that truly made each day a joy for me.
“Whatever you do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius and power and magic in it.” – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Most importantly don’t live your parents’ dream and ensure that your children don’t live your dreams. We must each discover our purpose. Children must be encouraged to discover, find, explore. Must be guided to shape their own dreams.
Is anything stopping you from chasing your dream?
“You see things; and you say, ‘Why?’ But I dream things that never were; and I say, ‘Why not?’” — George Bernard Shaw
Written By Mohit Gupta
Week 16, April ’20