Photo by Mohit Gupta

School Might End, But Learning Does Not 

Paul Palathingal

Learning is fundamental for our existence. It is much the same as food that nourishes our body. Like that, information and the ongoing learning process support our brains. If you continue to learn throughout your life, it will help your career and every organization you join.

Nowadays, continuous learning has become necessary for acquiring basic thinking skills. It helps us to find new ways to identify or relate with individuals from various countries. Thus, living a life without ongoing learning is inconceivable.

As we know, the only constant is change. Change takes place in your career, personal life, community, or organizations and the one most effective way to deal with any change is to be open to learning throughout your life.

Ongoing learning is your self-persuaded diligence. It helps you to secure knowledge and become competent enough and secure the ability to extend your skill sets and increase your future opportunities. It shapes a part of your personal and professional advancement to evade stagnation and arrive at your maximum potential. 

Its Importance throughout Life

Knowledge is presently at everyone’s fingertips. But those who do not make use of this opportunity will remain where they were before. In this way, their capacities will diminish their significance. Some advantages ought to be the reason enough for you to never to quit learning throughout your life. They are:

  • Be ready for unexpected circumstances: Lifelong learning will help you to adapt to sudden changes in the future, for example, if you lose your job and must rely on acquiring new skills to look for some employment. Thus, if you continue to learn, you will more effectively step out of your comfort zone and accept new job opportunities that you may find later.
  • Stay significant: Try not to remain behind others. It guarantees you to stay pertinent to your industry by staying up to date with the latest trends and adjusting your skill sets. To work successfully in this rapidly changing world of technology, you need to learn new things so that you remain invaluable to others. 
  • Confidence builds up your competency: If you learn new things, it gives you a sense of achievement. It helps to boost your confidence in your capabilities to do anything that you want. Also, you will feel more prepared to take on difficult challenges and explore new ventures for business.
  • Boosting up your profile: When you are learning continuously, you keep improving and build up your career. You may start to receive suggestions from your managers and colleagues. Most importantly it will help you grow in your career either where you are or in opportunities that are a better fit for you. Thus, acquiring new skill sets will help you to adapt to different organizations or businesses. 
  • Changes your point of view: Learning continuously opens your mindset and changes your perspective. As you are building on skill sets that you already know, it creates a change in your attitude. The more you learn, the better you will get at seeing more sides of a similar circumstance. It helps you to understand the same situation more deeply.
  • Start thinking about new ideas: As you acquire new skills, you begin to improve gradually. It increases and opens new opportunities. With the new skills, you can also find innovative solutions for different problems. It will help you to grow in your career and perhaps financially too.
  • Pays you forward: Ongoing learning is not just about you. A lifelong learning helps you to master your leadership abilities. At that point, you can also translate by fostering lifelong lessons for other individuals. You may encourage them to go for further learning opportunities.
  • A successful career path: Whatever your age is, it is never too late for learning new things. Having a successful career and giving more time to develop expertise goes hand in hand. Especially in our rapidly changing market conditions, new skills will always be valuable regardless of your age.

Employers are looking for those people who are well-balanced and have transferable skills. It increases your capacity to demonstrate that you are quick to learn and develop. If you are currently unemployed, then use this time to learn something that can pay you off with new job opportunities. Even if you are employed, then take advantage of coaching, training, mentoring opportunities or work on your current professional development. In this way, you will get better at your job and that makes you indispensable to your future or current employer.

You must always have a thoughtful mind. Try to explore various topics and do not hesitate to ask for clarifications. Be inquisitive! If your intent is sincere, then there are people ready to help and support you in your journey. Try to experiment with new things. Keep the learning going and continue to develop new skills and keep on reflecting.

Your love for learning will manifest a joyful and happy life journey for you.

Written By Paul Palathingal

Week 8, February 2021


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