Photo by Paul Palathingal

Passion in the Digital World

Jessica Albuquerque

Our modern-day technology is a force that rules the world. It has brought people from different parts of the globe closer together and yet somehow, people have never been further apart. It is like a double-edged sword that we just can’t let go of. Yes, we can choose to cut ourselves out from this digital space, but that would probably mean distancing ourselves from the outside world and some of our loved ones too.

Today everyone can communicate with the touch of a button. Even our 70-year-old grandparents have learnt how to use smartphones in order to keep in contact with others. Technology has made our world such a small place, however just like fast food it is not always healthy even though it is easily accessible.

The rise of social media has ensured that people know everything about one another. We are influenced and compelled to share every aspect of our lives online. We share what we are doing and where we are going through pictures on Instagram and Facebook, we share all our thoughts and opinions on Twitter, we share our work stories and accomplishments on Linkedin. We are like an open book, free for all to read. This is why so many of our relationships lack that spark and passion.

The days of waiting patiently and eagerly for a letter from across the oceans or even inland have gone. Everyone— whether it was parents, friends, lovers or pen-pals—  waited in anticipation for those newsy letters, birthday cards and festival wishes to arrive. It didn’t matter if it would come after the occasion, it was still received with love. I’m told that the surprise of finding pictures of your loved ones in the envelope and sometimes money gifts just heightened the experience. Of course, now all of this can be achieved very easily thanks to our phones and laptops (and don’t get me wrong it is especially helpful in emergencies), but I imagine the charm of snail mail was something else entirely.

Instant communication has taken away the closeness that people once shared. Now you’re expected to reply the moment you receive a message or else one may think you aren’t interested in conversing with them. Dropping in to see a neighbour, relative or friend when they are ill has now been replaced by a Whatsapp message. Yes, although it is the new way to reach out the one on one human interaction and connection is missing. That personal touch has gone.

In this fast-paced life that we are leading, it is just easier to drop a message instead of actually going to meet someone. Sadly even phone calls have been replaced by texts and god awful forwards. How difficult has it become for us to actually type out our own feelings? Talking to someone and messaging them are 2 different things. Yes, sometimes it is easier for people to express themselves in a message than on a call— especially if you’re an introvert. However, we lose that special connection of being present in the conversation, especially with our new age of multi-tasking where messaging several people at the same time is the new norm. It is like juggling many relationships in one go. When you talk on the phone to a person, you are giving them all your time and attention unlike messaging where you most likely have six to seven people chatting with you all at once.

The fast-paced and know-it-all world that social media and technology has created often leave people bored. You are bound to feel bored if you are constantly texting your significant other and know every single thing about them. This is why people are known to have several online girlfriends or boyfriends. Each one is blissfully unaware of the existence of the other. Sometimes people from the same household communicate with each other via Whatsapp because people are more likely to respond to the message rather than the person calling out to them continuously. It may sound funny, but sadly, it is slowly becoming the norm.

The joy of hearing your loved one’s voice is priceless. Don’t let technology get the better of you, at least not when it comes to family and close friends. Pick up the phone and actually speak to them. Hear the laughter or sadness in their voice. Sometimes we just need to hear that voice that can brighten up our day. Let’s not allow technology to make us impersonal. It has bridged many a gap but don’t expect it to nurture your relationships for you. Take the time out to really connect with the people that you love. Start living in the moment instead of worrying about posting or texting. Be present with those around you and watch as the passion slowly comes back into your relationships. Don’t be a slave to technology, let it work for you instead.

Written By Jessica Albuquerque,

A master of being a Jack of all Trades, A method in madness some may say. I’m just a girl on a never-ending journey, Standing on the precipice of my next big story.

Week 24, June 2021

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