
Navigating the Infinite Ways to Spend Finite Days

Amy Marley

Infinite ways to spend finite days

Billions of voices filtered by choices

Create or take

Consume or bloom

Lost in society’s box

Limiting the infinite, the ultimate cost

Amused to be confused.  A mantra I find myself using of late.

Infinity. Infinity is one of the drivers of said confusion.

By definition,  it is limitless.

My human brain struggles with the concept.

Choices that ripple infinitely beyond comprehension.

Affecting not only me but everyone I encounter directly and indirectly. Now and in the future.

Each of us, unique pneumonias. No one will ever have an identical experience in the mortal realm. Infinite combinations of perceptions, beliefs and experiences are at play.

So why do so many of us allow others to direct our lives?

Perhaps we don’t want to rock the boat. Things are ok as they are, who am I to change what seems to be working?

Is it that we feel responsible for others’ happiness?

We want to show our willingness to “fit in” and be a successful member of society.

Is it the success you are striving for, defined by you, or by expectations? A fairy tale vision sold in a pretty wrapper.

If we buy into the premade vision, are we showing up in life consciously or unconsciously? Reacting to life instead of responding and co-creating our life based on who we are. Who we truly are.

If we aren’t aware, we get dragged along with the flow until we wake up, if we are lucky. A slap in the face or with insight graced. Over and over until we “see” and “reveal” our truth.

A choice once again, to lie in the dark and be a victim or an opportunity to discover strengths we didn’t know we had.

It is challenging. No matter what stage of life it happens, we undoubtedly have years of baggage to offload.

Storing other people’s expectations and beliefs starts early.

We are raised with phrases like “You can’t do that”, “You shouldn’t do that”, “Listen to me, I know how it is done”, “Who do you think you are?”. Or something worse. A relative, friend, teacher or even a stranger planting a misguided belief of the world.

Labelled. Judged. Graded. Fit into a box. Made to feel less than.

Infinite potential limited by an outdated belief system of “what should be”.

As we offload the baggage,  there may be casualties. A death of identity. Birth of a new. We grieve. Others grieve. For what was. For what could be. When all there really is, is what is.

Sure. I get it. It feels safe. Stepping into the unknown of infinity is scary.

It is easier to rely on someone else or our circumstances to make the choice for us. Pass the blame and have an excuse to stay stagnant in the game. We get blind-sighted.

We ignore what is in our control.

Our freedom of mind. Simple, but oh so powerful.

Dream with care. Think with care. The thoughts and visions we focus on drive our lives.

We have heard it before, but do we believe it? Truly believe we have the power to change our stars?

Infinity feels overwhelming. Heavy but then so freeing.

Staying amused while being confused, the mantra that keeps me playing the game. Navigating through the infinite.

Acceptance and trust key players. Acceptance that I don’t have to have all the answers. Trusting they will arrive at the time I need them most.

A challenging step that I struggle with at times.

Then I see a sign. I giggle.

Each one solidifies the trust that I am on the right path for me- building my confidence to take the next leap of faith. And then the next. And the next.

One way I use to build trust is to ask lofty questions like –

“How does it get any better than this?”

“What else is possible?”

By asking lofty questions we are filtering our focus. Inviting our mind to seek signs. The answers flow without exerting energy on trying to answer them mentally. The questions themselves become discoveries along our journey.

Answers can arrive at any time. Patience is essential. When the conditions are met,  the answers become obvious. The timeline is out of our control. Yet another point of surrendering and trusting the process.

Remembering the day to day is all there is. Spend it in drama or spend it in bliss.

No matter the circumstances. All a choice. Our choice. Float or sink.

No right. No wrong. Just is.

There will be days layered with more “icing on the cake” than others, but each day is still a gift. A day that can bring unexpected joy or pain. A lesson to learn as we step along the infinite path.

Amused to be confused along the infinite rollercoaster ride of life.

Thanks for reading.

Thanks for being you.

Written By Amy Marley

Playing with life and learning along the way. 
Giggling at serendipitous moments as each new piece of the puzzle is uncovered. 
Still utterly clueless what the big picture looks like, so happily staying amused while being confused. 
Aspiring memoir and children’s book author living in Perth, Australia.

Week 45, November ‘20

*Trail of sources – Rasheed Hooda –  who discovered the lofty questions from a program called “Access Consciousness”.


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