Photo courtesy Taryn Rodrigues

Motherhood In A Capsule

Jessica Albuquerque

I’m sure you’re aware of the saying “The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world”. I believe it’s a very apt phrase, after all, mothers are to some extent responsible for the world created by the children that they’ve raised. Motherhood isn’t easy, it’s a huge responsibility to undertake especially since the morals, values, well being, emotional state and confidence instiled by mothers will determine the future of society. 

Motherhood tends to be a very romanticised notion. Pregnancy is portrayed as a period of sunshine and roses and then once the baby is born, it’s simply a miraculous time with no worries in the world. Of course, in reality, it is much more complicated. People tend to gloss over the morning sickness, weight gain, swollen feet, skin pigmentation problems, stretch marks and the dreaded delivery room, but that’s probably because it’s all worth it when your eyes fall upon that tomato red face yelling on top of its lungs. And, voila! The first hurdle of motherhood has been successful. Now the real challenge is about to begin.

From the nursing stage to the terrible twos and then the unruly teen years, children can be quite a handful. Unlike movies, real life doesn’t have a predetermined plot or the ability to rewind and start again. From the minute a mother conceives to the time her children are adults who are perhaps are getting married or having children of their own, mothers are met with unsolicited advice on all the hows and whys. But the best go-to would be a mother’s instinct.

No one knows a child better than their own mother. There is an unspoken bond that can never be broken or replaced.

Mothers are often used as an emotional punching bag simply because their children know that no matter what, their mothers will always love and forgive them. It’s a blessing if, in today’s day and age, your child comes to you with their problems. No, not the Math or Science problems, but the emotional ones. It’s a sign that they trust you enough to seek out your advice instead of Google or their friends.

Life can be scary and a mother’s biggest fear is the feeling of helplessness, being unable to protect their children from the big bad world out there. Letting go of the reigns is probably the toughest thing for a mother to do as they never stop worrying or wanting to make things easier for their children, no matter how old their kids are. But that’s where mothers realize that they have done the best that they could and have equipped their babies in the best possible way to adjust to the world out there.

Photo courtesy Taryn Rodrigues

It’s safe to say that motherhood is a bit of a roller coaster ride that never ends until a mother closes her eyes forever. Through all the ups and downs of this life long journey, there’s a lot to be grateful for. 

The priceless memories of your child’s first birthday where they have such a clueless expression, them ripping open their gifts or seeing Santa Claus for the first time and howling because he looks scary. The stunned expression that gives way to a sorrowful cry at the sound of crackers or their first visit to the zoo, it makes all the hard days worth it. 

It is the little moments and things that make motherhood and parenting amazing. Teaching your babies to cycle, skate, swim, ride a scooter or drive a car and the look of achievement they get is priceless. Knowing that you’ve raised a child who feels powerful enough to do anything is such a reward. 

The happiness when your child makes you a cup of tea or a sandwich, or when they buy you a gift with their first earnings is something that will last with your forever. Though many say that motherhood is a thankless career with no earnings, the biggest gratification is knowing that you’ve given it your all. Just like a gardener who plants and nurtures a seed, it’s time to step back and watch your children bloom.

Written By Jessica Albuquerque.

A master of being a Jack of all Trades, A method in madness some may say. I’m just a girl on a never-ending journey, Standing on the precipice of my next big story.

Week 13, April 2021


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