The past year has been full of strife and worry. Only love can truly carry us ahead on our journey.
Love has many forms. And it is necessary for us to experience Love in all its forms. I love to feel the breeze against my skin. I love going on long drives. I love listening to classical music. I love sharing with my family and friends. I love being with my friends. I love giving. I am deeply in love with my wife. I love how she can shower love on all of us. I love watching my boys. I love being with my boys. I love spending lazy evenings chatting with my wife and my sons. I love laughter. I love being in the mountains. I love avocado on toast. I love my coffee moment. I love Nangoo Coffee. I love eating a good meal. I love single malts and rum and a good gin. I love Stranger & Sons. I love my G&T moment. And my Old Fashioned moment. I love traveling. I love going back to the same places. I love morning walks on the beach. I love Kathi Rolls and Club Sandwiches. I love giving gifts and of course I love receiving them too. I love deep and engaging conversations. I love moments that take my breath away. I love the rhythm of my breath. I love my alone time. I love my sleep. I love movies that end on a happy note. I love myself.
I can only imagine the outpouring of love as a mother sees her new-born. The connection can only be magical.
There is so much to love. There is so much each of us loves. How often do we acknowledge all that we love, all whom we love. Loving moments can leave me awestruck, overwhelmed and all teary. And I feel deep deep gratitude that I am able to love. Love leaves me warm and fuzzy and brings a mighty shine on my soul.
Wars have been fought over love. Monuments have been built to express love. Songs have been written expressing love and lamenting the loss of love. Books and movies are focused on love, and not necessarily the romantic type. Romance appeals to all. Poets have spent lifetimes exploring the nuances of love and expressing love in their eloquent words. Loss of love can drive many crazy and into depression. And experiencing love is joyous and fulfilling. Love fills the gaps in every soul. Love Connects. Love Binds.
During these tough times as the world continues to reel under the disastrous impact of the ongoing pandemic, Team Roadfolk brings much needed focus on Love. Love, the most powerful four letter word. We shall explore the various aspects of love and the power that love has in all our lives. And I hope that, all that we share will add value to your lives. Reading other people’s perspective can often put all that is happening in our lives in a more positive light. And of course, we earnestly wish to hear your views on love.
Love is Magnanimous. Love is Forgiving. Love is Kind. Love is Letting Go. Love is Giving Space. Love is putting the other one first. Love is Graceful. Love is Unconditional. Love is All-Encompassing. Love is an Embrace. Love has No Rules. Love accepts you for who you are. Love is not judgemental. Love can be delirious. Love can uplift you. Love can be blind. Love keeps you rooted and love can give you wings. Love is The Universal Language.
Often I have spoken about loving yourself. And I am repeating myself here when I say that it is the most important thing to do – Love Yourself. You are the most important person in your life. Loving yourself will heal you. Of course there is a fine line between joyfully loving yourself and the narcissistic kind of love. The former will build you and all those around you and the latter will destroy everything that matters.
When you feel love, man up and show it. There is nothing to fear. Love will conquer all fears. Love will heal. If anything, not expressing your love will cause more pain and hurt. Communicate your love as best you can. Communicate with all you love. Forgive easily. Love easily. And most importantly support each other’s goals. The people in your life truly matter. You must be their champion.
Ensconced in Love I feel safe and joyous. Love is the universal panacea for all ills. Love will keep every battered soul strong and well for the rest of its journey.
Please do join us on this month’s journey of glorious Love. After all, Love is the only Truth.
Much love to all who join us on our journey.
Mohit Gupta
5th February 2021