If anything, the pandemic has taught us, is that all the speed and all the hurry is meaningless.
As I work from home, more and more I realise that this gives my life a great balance. I am able to see the family much more than before. At times I am also able to get a much needed afternoon snooze, sometimes even not needed but just so pleasureable and special. So much time is saved in travel. And same is better utilised to live that much more. And I am lucky to often sit at my desk and watch the trees dance to the tunes of the wind. That green dance is so invigorating for my soul. I can sit for long periods just soaking it all in. Lucky, because it is rare to have such a view in our concrete city.
This month we hear from more guest writers. Simriti shares with us her connection with the divine. And we learn about Shivani’s desire to help people achieve better health. And Jessica expresses her thoughts on slowing down and better driving etiquette.
One of the things that truly irks me is the lack of respect for the pedestrian in our city. This month and in the months ahead we really want to bring a lot of focus on that. Nobody in our city ever stops at a zebra crossing to let a pedestrian cross. Our dream is to bring that culture and respect for the pedestrians to our beloved city dwellers. Obviously to those who are behind the wheel. Driving in Mumbai mostly feels like a battle for survival. All of us need to understand that if we stop for a few moments to allow pedestrians to cross the road it is not going to delay us too much. In fact we may just hear a stanza of music that we love. Wouldn’t that be great. Music is such a great mood elevator. And whilst driving it is always pleasing to hear good music. I would suggest that we make playlists of music that we love so that we are soothed as we drive through the streets of Mumbai. That will encourage us to drive more at peace.
Many in Mumbai have chauffeurs. So as employers it is our responsibility to teach them to stop at zebra crossings. To not be in a constant hurry. Drive respectfully. It is not a battle zone. We don’t have to be right at the front at all times.
You can also read about the Craftsmans Cottage in beautiful Wiltshire, just over an hour and half from Heathrow airport. Having studied in the UK in the mid 80s and subsequently also having worked there I have a very strong bond with Britain. I also had the privilege of working in Wiltshire as a young student on an internship for six months. The entire region is very dainty and scenic. During these pandemic days I have been dreaming of going especially to Wiltshire and spend a few weeks soaking in the rural British life. So, when I discovered the Craftsmans Cottage I was so excited and quickly added it to my bucket list. I am now longing to go there.
My thought for the month is slow down. Why for the month, for life overall is to slow down. With a view to achieving this, over the last few months I started reducing the work that I do. Took away a lot from my plate. I am not the best at every job. So it is best to let experts handle what they are good at. Giving me more time for myself.
I hope and pray that each of us can live in a better world. Each of us can love a little more. Chew a little more. Look a little more. Experience the moments. And bite just enough. Only what we need. Only what we can handle.
Much love, light and inspiration to all our readers.
Mohit Gupta
2nd July 2021